Interim Blog: post attack

Well, that’s been an unintended hiatus! I don’t honestly know if I was officially the subject of a transphobic attack or not, however, I have had an intense spamming experience. Initially, emails to this domain, but quickly expanding to the parent domain, which I have owned for roughly twenty years without incident.

Hundreds of emails, every five minutes or so, confirmation emails for a lot of websites, some possibly intended to be embarrassing, and including American churches and political websites. Interestingly, there are some websites where my passwords have been changed, albeit low level security. The truly irritating experience has been the attack being against my recovery email address too, which has really slowed my clean up. Both domains are now set to reject emails, and I’m actually afraid to re-enable, as I don’t want to open myself to attack again 😬.

As anyone who has read the blogs will know, they’re bland, and don’t even rise to vanilla 😀. If I were ever to deviate from that, they would be behind protection. I intend continuing, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that this experience is intimidating.

It’s been a hard few years, with bereavements, illnesses and travails. As I write this blog, I have to confess I’ve had a fairly major wobble, a mental health “Incident”, which was triggered by my infamous (in aviation) “capacity bucket” overflowing. I’m obviously talking to my GP, and have been advised to take a month off initially, to try to rationalise and simplify my stressors. We’ll see what the coming weeks bring. Obviously, there are some reading this, who know precisely what my prime stressor is. I am well aware of it, and will be trying to cross that particular rubicon as soon as possible, even though the fallout will be immense.

I said I was going to continue, and I hope I’ll have a proper blog posted tomorrow, rather than this indulgent mea culpa. Hopefully this explains the unexpected hiatus though. Much love ❤️






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